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Colgan Band Photos

Photos from band events, perfomances, and competitions are avaible to view on the band website using the link below.


Again, thank you to all the staff, students and parents that put so much time and hard work into making this season such a success. Thank you Lexi McGee for capturing the memories.  

Senior Band Scholarship Application


Thank you for your continued support of the COLGAN BAND programs at Colgan High School.  If you would like to make a donation, please click below

Donations and Sponsorship

The funds raised by the Colgan Band Boosters directly support Colgan High School bands and will help reduce fees for students and families participating in Band programs. In order to raise needed funds, the Colgan Band Boosters is offering community businesses sponsorship opportunities.  

If you are interested in sponsoring Colgan Bands, please download the information letter and donation form below. Donations can be submitted by check or through the PayPal donation button to the right on this page.

Sponsorship Information Letter  - Updated for the 2024/2025 school year

Sponsorship Levels and Benefits  - Updated for the 2024/2025 school year

Sponsorship for Colgan Classic - Updated for the 2024/2025 school year

The Colgan Band website is not managed, approved or sponsored by Prince William County School.  It is managed by Colgan Band Boosters.

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